世界语言课程的基本理念是语言, 讨论, 反射, 想象力可以帮助学生发展理解和解释人类经验的技能.
The curriculum requires that students develop a personal consciousness or an active sense of civic duty through the acquisition 和 employment of language; the ability to underst和 the human experience outside of one’s own individual social 和 cultural context allows students to develop a conscience more suited to the multicultural world in which they live.
学生可以选择在学院学习两种语言之一: 法国 和 西班牙语. AP法语和西班牙语课程在导师的批准下提供给四年级学生.
法国二世 focuses on the expansion of basic vocabulary themes 和 basic grammatical structure in order to facilitate further development of basic language skills. The course is designed to help students build on the basic foundation of the 法国 language previously acquired 和 to exp和 their vocabulary range. 学生将掌握几个重要的语法工具,这些工具对所有时间平面的交流都是必不可少的:过去, 现在, 和未来的, 因为他们继续练习法语口语, 写作, 听, 和阅读. 在完成法语II, 学生应该能够在演讲和写作中进行简单的叙述, 以及理解和反应更长的听觉和书面提示. 学生将继续学习法语和法语国家文化的各个方面.
法国第三 introduces students to more complex vocabulary (including a variety of idiomatic expressions) 和 grammatical structures necessary for more sophisticated language application. This course focuses on the training 和 cultivating of independent language users who are able to function within spontaneous language exchanges. 法国第三 follows the two introductory 和 m和atory courses 和 is designated 和 designed for those students who wish to continue their studies of 法国 in preparation for university level instruction. The goal of 法国第三 is to produce the necessary bridge between the communication skills based more heavily on 模仿 和 limited variation of learned response (法国我 & 而更复杂和自然的使用目的语对进一步的学习至关重要, 更高层次的发展. Students will continue to build their vocabulary 在法国 as they are exposed to complex structures such as the use of conditional 和 subjunctive moods, 各种时态, 和它们共存在一个句子里. 学生将继续学习法语和法语国家文化的各个方面.
法国第四, 一门几乎完全用法语授课的课程, 是一门高级课程,让学生继续培养他们的口语和写作技能, 以及扩大他们的听力和阅读理解能力. 法语四的重点是鼓励和使每个学生能够独立地使用法语. 在学习法语的过程中, 学生将接触到各种法语原版文本(印刷和在线)。, 法语广播播客, 法语原版视频片段, 和讲法语的cinsamma. 学生也将参与, 在法国, 在日常课堂讨论和辩论, 并将完成法语作文作为他们成绩的一部分. 法语四级课程包括所有主要语法点的复习. 大学水平教科书的选择支持向大学水平教学的过渡.
这个高级法语部分是为了帮助学生熟悉实际的AP考试形式而创建的. Time in class is dedicated to introduction 和 practice of all the individual 法国 AP exam tasks 和 additional work is assigned as homework. 同时就读法语IV/ AP法语/独立学习课程, students must be enrolled concurrently in 法国第四: Honors Language 和 Culture or must have taken 法国第四: Honors Language 和 Culture as prerequisite prior to being enrolled in the AP section.
西班牙语我 introduces students to basic vocabulary themes 和 basic grammatical structures in order to facilitate the development of basic language skills. 学生熟悉西班牙语发音、基本词汇和简单表达. 重点在于重复, 阅读, 合唱练习, 模仿, 以及让学生适应新声音的听觉识别, 语法, 和拼写. Semester Two progresses students from strict 模仿s 和 simple labeling to being able to communicate with simple but authentic sentences. Students will engage in a series of projects throughout the school year 和 will also learn about various aspects of the 西班牙语 culture.
西班牙二世 provides students with an expansion of the basic vocabulary themes 和 basic grammatical structures in order to facilitate further development of basic language skills. This course is designed to help students build on the basic foundation of the 西班牙语 language previously acquired 和 exp和 their vocabulary range. 学生将掌握几个重要的语法工具,这些工具对所有时间平面的交流都是必不可少的:过去, 现在, 和未来的, 通过口语练习西班牙语, 写作, 听, 和阅读. 在完成西班牙语II, 学生应该能够在演讲和写作中进行简单的叙述, 以及理解和反应更长的听觉和书面提示. Students continue to learn about various aspects of the 西班牙语 culture as they engage in different projects throughout the school year.
西班牙三世 introduces students to more complex vocabulary (including a variety of idiomatic expressions) 和 grammatical structures necessary for more sophisticated language application. This course focuses on training 和 cultivating of independent language users who are able to function within spontaneous language exchanges. 西班牙三世 follows the two introductory 和 m和atory courses 和 is designated 和 designed for those students who wish to continue their studies of 西班牙语 in preparation for university-level instruction. The goal of 西班牙三世 is to produce the necessary bridge between the communication skills based more heavily on 模仿 和 limited variation of learned response (西班牙语我 & 而更复杂和自然的使用目的语对进一步的学习至关重要, 更高层次的发展. Students will continue to build their vocabulary 用西班牙语 as they are exposed to complex structures such as the use of conditional 和 subjunctive moods, 时态的变化, 和它们共存在一个句子里. Students will continue to learn about various aspects of the 西班牙语 culture as they engage in a series of projects throughout the school year.
西班牙第四, 一门几乎完全用西班牙语授课的课程, 是一门高级课程,让学生继续培养他们的口语和写作技能, 以及扩大他们的听力和阅读理解能力. 西班牙语四的重点是鼓励和使每个学生能够独立地使用西班牙语. 在学习西班牙语的过程中, 学生将接触到各种原始西班牙语文本(印刷和在线)。, 西班牙语广播播客, 原创视频片段, 和西班牙电影. 学生也将参与, 用西班牙语, 在日常课堂讨论和辩论, 并将完成西班牙语作文作为成绩的一部分. 西班牙语四级课程包括所有主要语法点的复习. 大学水平教科书的选择支持向大学水平教学的过渡. 学生还将在整个学年中参与一系列项目.
西班牙语高级部分的创建是为了帮助学生熟悉实际的AP考试形式. Time in class is dedicated to introduction 和 practice of all the individual 西班牙语 AP exam tasks 和 additional work is assigned as homework. 同时参加西班牙语四级/ AP西班牙语/独立学习, students must be enrolled concurrently in 西班牙第四: Honors Language 和 Culture or must have taken 西班牙第四: Honors Language 和 Culture as prerequisite prior to being enrolled in the AP section.
法国我 provides students with an introduction to basic vocabulary themes 和 grammatical structures in the 法国 language in order to equip students with basic 法国 language skills. 学生将熟悉法语的发音和简单的表达. 在本课程中, 重点放在重复上, 阅读, 合唱练习, 模仿, 以及让学生适应新声音的听觉识别, 语法, 和拼写. Semester Two progresses students from strict 模仿s 和 simple labeling to communication of simple but authentic sentences. 学生还将学习法语和法语国家文化的各个方面.